Champions of Champions trail
11:00 a.m.11:00

Champions of Champions trail

On Saturday 1st and Sunday 2nd March you can participate in our Masters' Master Course. Start March and the first month of spring with a fun and social activity at ViteMeir ! Compete with friends, family or just against yourself. Contact reception for assignment sheets. 🏅

And don't forget the experimental show in the auditorium at 2:30 PM every Saturday and Sunday!💥

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Champions of Champions trail
11:00 a.m.11:00

Champions of Champions trail

On Saturday 1st and Sunday 2nd March you can participate in our Masters' Master Course. Start March and the first month of spring with a fun and social activity at ViteMeir ! Compete with friends, family or just against yourself. Contact reception for assignment sheets. 🏅

And don't forget the experimental show in the auditorium at 2:30 PM every Saturday and Sunday!💥

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Textile print
11:00 a.m.11:00

Textile print

Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th March you are welcome to textile printing. ✨👕
Bring a piece of clothing and make it unique and fun by printing it!
11:00-14:00 in Makerspace

Ps. It should be a garment with a somewhat smooth surface. Sweaters, etc. are not suitable for printing.

And don't forget the experimental show in the auditorium at 14.30 every Saturday and Sunday!

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Textile print
11:00 a.m.11:00

Textile print

Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th March you are welcome to textile printing. 👚
Bring a piece of clothing and make it unique and fun by printing it!
11:00-14:00 in Makerspace

Ps. It should be a garment with a somewhat smooth surface. Sweaters, etc. are not suitable for printing.

And don't forget the experimental show in the auditorium at 14.30 every Saturday and Sunday!

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11:00 a.m.11:00


Saturday 15th and Sunday 16th March you can join us in experimenting with the sand table Sisyphus! Create your own patterns and follow the drawing process.

11.00-14.00 in Makerspace

And don't forget the experimental show in the auditorium at 14.30 every Saturday and Sunday!

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11:00 a.m.11:00


Saturday 15th and Sunday 16th March you can join us in experimenting with the sand table Sisyphus! Create your own patterns and follow the drawing process.

11.00-14.00 in Makerspace

And don't forget the experimental show in the auditorium at 14.30 every Saturday and Sunday!

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ExperimentWednesday - LydLab
5:00 p.m.17:00

ExperimentWednesday - LydLab

Har DU lyst til å lage musikk? Kanskje du vil prøve deg som DJ? 🎶🎙 Onsdag 19. mars klokka 17.00-18.00 kan du vere med oss å teste ut LydLab. Her får du lære å bruke eit program som heiter Soundtrap. Du kan utforske rytmar og lage den musikken du vil. Dette opplegget er utvikla for 7.-10. trinn. Dei som er yngre enn det bør ha med seg ein vaksen.

LydLab is offered in collaboration with Equinor - Tomorrow's heroes.

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Hagelagsdag, poding og komposteringskurs
11:00 a.m.11:00

Hagelagsdag, poding og komposteringskurs

Laurdag 23. mars er der hagelagsdag på Vitemeir. 🌱🌳🍀 Det vert poding av frukttre, der de kan få* med dykk eit poda tre heimatt til planting i hagen. De vil lære om lågteknologisk bioteknologi, korleis me endrar på levande ting for å få dei til å gjere det me vil, og utfordringar med monokulturar og biodiversitet. 

Podingsaktiviteten vert klokka 12.00, 12.30, 14.00 og 14.30.

Her blir det maks 10 grupper (familiar) per økt. 

* De kan kjøpe med dykk det poda treet inkludert potte til kroner 75,-.

Gratis komposteringskurs kl. 14.30-17.00 (sjå eige arrangement her).

OBS. Det vert ikkje eksperimentshow denne dagen.

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Poding av frukttre og eksperimentshow
11:00 a.m.11:00

Poding av frukttre og eksperimentshow

Søndag 23. mars er det hagedag på ViteMeir. 🌱🌷🌿 Det vert poding av frukttre, der de kan få* med dykk eit poda tre heimatt til planting i hagen. De vil lære om lågteknologisk bioteknologi, korleis me endrar på levande ting for å få dei til å gjere det me vil, og utfordringar med monokulturar og biodiversitet. 

Podingsaktiviteten vert klokka 12.00, 12.30, 14.00 og 14.30.

Her blir det maks 10 grupper (familiar) per økt. 

* De kan kjøpe med dykk det poda treet inkludert potte til kroner 75,-.

Og ikkje gløym eksperimentshow i auditoriet klokka 14.30! 💥

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EksperimentOnsdag - 3D-print
5:00 p.m.17:00

EksperimentOnsdag - 3D-print

Onsdag 26. mars kan du 3D-printe din eigen vesle figur på Makerspace frå 17.00-18.00 . Du får god hjelp til å utføre eksperimentet av ein vitenvert. Opplegget passar for born og vaksne i alle aldrar. 

PS. 3D printers often take 1 hour to finish printing, so arrive in good time if you want to take it home the same day. Alternatively, you can leave the figure at the reception so you can pick it up another day.

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Varm is-eksperiment
11:00 a.m.11:00

Varm is-eksperiment

Laurdag 29. og søndag 30. mars kan du vere med på eit fasinerande eksperiment. Me skal saman gjere eit forsøk med ei veske som krystalliserer seg veldig fort. Det ser ut som kald is, men er likevel varmt.

Varm is- eksperimentet vil skje i mindre grupper på SmaksLaben mellom klokka 11.00-12.00 og 13.00-14.00. Passer for alle, men barn under 8 år må følgje med ein vaksen.

And don't forget the experimental show in the auditorium at 14.30 every Saturday and Sunday!

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Varm is-eksperiment
11:00 a.m.11:00

Varm is-eksperiment

Laurdag 29. og søndag 30. mars kan du vere med på eit fasinerande eksperiment. Me skal saman gjere eit forsøk med ei veske som krystalliserer seg veldig fort. Det ser ut som kald is, men er likevel varmt.

Varm is- eksperimentet vil skje i mindre grupper på SmaksLaben mellom klokka 11.00-12.00 og 13.00-14.00. Passer for alle, men barn under 8 år må følgje med ein vaksen.

And don't forget the experimental show in the auditorium at 14.30 every Saturday and Sunday!

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Scratch Jr.
11:00 a.m.11:00

Scratch Jr.

Laurdag 5. og søndag 6. april kan du vere med på Scratch Jr. Eit enkelt program som lærer born grunnleggjande programmering! Ved hjelp av fargerike blokkar programmerer vi animasjonar, og leiker oss med ulike funksjonar for å lære om programmering. Aktiviteten føregår på iPad, og passar for born frå 5 år. Krev ingen forkunnskapar.

And don't forget the experimental show in the auditorium at 14.30 every Saturday and Sunday!

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Scratch Jr.
11:00 a.m.11:00

Scratch Jr.

Laurdag 5. og søndag 6. april kan du vere med på Scratch Jr. Eit enkelt program som lærer born grunnleggjande programmering! Ved hjelp av fargerike blokkar programmerer vi animasjonar, og leiker oss med ulike funksjonar for å lære om programmering. Aktiviteten føregår på iPad, og passar for born frå 5 år. Krev ingen forkunnskapar.

And don't forget the experimental show in the auditorium at 14.30 every Saturday and Sunday!

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EksperimentOnsdag - Varm is
5:00 p.m.17:00

EksperimentOnsdag - Varm is

Onsdag 9. april kan du 3D-printe din eigen vesle figur på eit fasinerande eksperiment i SmaksLaben mellom 17.00-18.00. Me skal saman gjere eit forsøk med ei veske som krystalliserer seg veldig fort. Det ser ut som kald is, men er likevel varmt. Du får god hjelp til å utføre eksperimentet av ein vitenvert.

Opplegget passar for born og vaksne i alle aldrar, men barn under 8 år bør følgje med ein vaksen.

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17 May decorations and soap bubbles
11:00 a.m.11:00

17 May decorations and soap bubbles

Snart er det nasjonaldagen vår, og me fyller Skaparhagen med perler i raudt, kvitt og blått! Kom å bli med og lag din eigen 17. mai pynt. Enten det er sløyfe, flagg eller hjerter med norske flagg, så har me det du treng for å lage flotte brosjer som får deg til å skinne litt ekstra på årets festdag! 🇳🇴

Det vert også såpeboble-aktivitet ute, og ikkje gløym at me har eksperimentshow i auditoriet klokka 14.30!

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17 May decorations and soap bubbles
11:00 a.m.11:00

17 May decorations and soap bubbles

Snart er det nasjonaldagen vår, og me fyller Skaparhagen med perler i raudt, kvitt og blått! Kom å bli med og lag din eigen 17. mai pynt. Enten det er sløyfe, flagg eller hjerter med norske flagg, så har me det du treng for å lage flotte brosjer som får deg til å skinne litt ekstra på årets festdag! 🇳🇴

Det vert også såpeboble-aktivitet ute, og ikkje gløym at me har eksperimentshow i auditoriet klokka 14.30!

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17. mai pynt
5:00 p.m.17:00

17. mai pynt

Onsdag 14. mai kan du frå 17.00-18.00 vere med å lage pynt til nasjonaldagen. Me fyller Skaparhagen med perler i raudt, kvitt og blått! Kom å bli med og lag din eigen 17. mai pynt. Enten det er sløyfe, flagg eller hjerter med norske flagg, så har me det du treng for å lage flotte brosjer som får deg til å skinne litt ekstra på årets festdag! 🇳🇴

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Non-Newtonian fluid
11:00 a.m.11:00

Non-Newtonian fluid

Laurdag 24. og søndag 25. mai kan du bli med å lage Ikkje-newtonsk væske! Nokre væsker er tyntflytande, slik som vatn. Andre væsker er tjuktflytande. Ikkje newtonske væsker er magiske! Bli med på eksperiment i Takhagen der du får teste magien ved slike ikkje-newtonse væsker.

And don't forget the experimental show in the auditorium at 14.30 every Saturday and Sunday!

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Non-Newtonian fluid
11:00 a.m.11:00

Non-Newtonian fluid

Laurdag 24. og søndag 25. mai kan du bli med å lage Ikkje-newtonsk væske! Nokre væsker er tyntflytande, slik som vatn. Andre væsker er tjuktflytande. Ikkje newtonske væsker er magiske! Bli med på eksperiment i Takhagen der du får teste magien ved slike ikkje-newtonse væsker.

And don't forget the experimental show in the auditorium at 14.30 every Saturday and Sunday!

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3D printing
11:00 a.m.11:00

3D printing

Laurdag 31. mai kan du vere med å 3D-printe din eigen vesle figur på Makerspace.

And don't forget the experimental show in the auditorium at 14.30 every Saturday and Sunday!

PS. 3D printers often take 1 hour to finish printing, so arrive in good time if you want to take it home the same day. Alternatively, you can leave the figure at the reception so you can pick it up another day.

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3D printing
11:00 a.m.11:00

3D printing

Søndag 1. juni kan du vere med å 3D-printe din eigen vesle figur på Makerspace.

And don't forget the experimental show in the auditorium at 14.30 every Saturday and Sunday!

PS. 3D printers often take 1 hour to finish printing, so arrive in good time if you want to take it home the same day. Alternatively, you can leave the figure at the reception so you can pick it up another day.

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ExperimentWednesday - LydLab
5:00 p.m.17:00

ExperimentWednesday - LydLab

Har DU lyst til å lage musikk? Kanskje du vil prøve deg som DJ? 🎶🎙 Onsdag 4. juni klokka 17.00-18.00 kan du vere med oss å teste ut LydLab. Her får du lære å bruke eit program som heiter Soundtrap. Du kan utforske rytmar og lage den musikken du vil. Dette opplegget er utvikla for 7.-10. trinn. Dei som er yngre enn det bør ha med seg ein vaksen.

LydLab is offered in collaboration with Equinor - Tomorrow's heroes.

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ExperimentWednesday - LydLab
5:00 p.m.17:00

ExperimentWednesday - LydLab

Do YOU want to make music? Maybe you want to try your hand at DJing? 🎶🎙 Wednesday, January 12th at 5:00 PM-6:00 PM you can join us to test out LydLab. Here you will learn how to use a program called Soundtrap. You can explore rhythms and create the music you want. This program is designed for grades 7-10. Those younger than that should be accompanied by an adult.

LydLab is offered in collaboration with Equinor - Tomorrow's heroes.

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Textile print
11:00 a.m.11:00

Textile print

Saturday 1st and Sunday 2nd February you are welcome to textile printing. ✨👕
Bring a piece of clothing and make it unique and fun by printing it!
11:00-14:00 in Makerspace

Ps. It should be a garment with a somewhat smooth surface. Sweaters, etc. are not suitable for printing.

And don't forget the experimental show in the auditorium at 14.30 every Saturday and Sunday!

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Textile print
11:00 a.m.11:00

Textile print

Saturday 1st and Sunday 2nd February you are welcome to textile printing. 👚
Bring a piece of clothing and make it unique and fun by printing it!
11:00-14:00 in Makerspace

Ps. It should be a garment with a somewhat smooth surface. Sweaters, etc. are not suitable for printing.

And don't forget the experimental show in the auditorium at 14.30 every Saturday and Sunday!

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3D printing
10:00 a.m.10:00

3D printing

3D-print your own little figure at Makerspace on Saturday 25 and Sunday 26 January!

PS. 3D printers often take 1 hour to finish printing, so arrive in good time if you want to take it home the same day. Alternatively, you can leave the figure at the reception so you can pick it up another day.

And don't forget the experimental show in the auditorium at 14.30 every Saturday and Sunday!

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3D printing
10:00 a.m.10:00

3D printing

3D-print your own little figure at Makerspace on Saturday 25 and Sunday 26 January!

PS. 3D printers often take 1 hour to finish printing, so arrive in good time if you want to take it home the same day. Alternatively, you can leave the figure at the reception so you can pick it up another day.

And don't forget the experimental show in the auditorium at 14.30 every Saturday and Sunday!

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Experiment Wednesday
5:00 p.m.17:00

Experiment Wednesday

Do YOU want to make music? Maybe you want to try your hand as a DJ? 🎙🎶 On Wednesday 15 January at 17.00-18.00 you can join us to test out LydLab. Here you will learn to use a program called Soundtrap. You can explore rhythms and create the music you want. This scheme has been developed for 7.-10. steps. Those younger than that should be accompanied by an adult.

LydLab is offered in collaboration with Equinor - Tomorrow's heroes.

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11:00 a.m.11:00


On Saturday 11 and Sunday 12 January, you can take part in experiments with the Sisyphus sand table! Create your own patterns and follow the drawing process.

11.00-14.00 in Makerspace

And don't forget the experimental show in the auditorium at 14.30 every Saturday and Sunday!

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11:00 a.m.11:00


Saturday 11th and Sunday 12th January you can join in the experiments with the sand table Sisyphus! Create your own patterns and follow the drawing process.

11.00-14.00 in Makerspace

And don't forget the experimental show in the auditorium at 14.30 every Saturday and Sunday!

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ExperimentWednesday - Easiscope
5:00 p.m.17:00

ExperimentWednesday - Easiscope

Have you ever wondered what things look like up close? On Wednesday, January 8th, you can join us for an exciting activity where we use Easiscope, a handheld microscope, to reveal details you've never seen before! 🔬✨ Bring your curiosity and examine various objects - or bring your own object and see it in a way you've never seen before! The activity is suitable for the whole family and gives you a fascinating insight into the microscopic world around us.

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Champions of Champions trail
10:00 a.m.10:00

Champions of Champions trail

On Sunday 5 January you can take part in our Mesternes mester trail. Start the new year with a fun and social activity ViteMeir ! Compete with friends, family or just against yourself. Contact reception for task sheets. 🏅

And don't forget the experimental show in the auditorium at 14.30 every Saturday and Sunday!

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The Master of Champions trail
10:00 a.m.10:00

The Master of Champions trail

On Saturday 4 January you can take part in our Mesternes mester trail. Start the new year with a fun and social activity ViteMeir ! Compete with friends, family or just against yourself. Contact reception for task sheets. 🏅

And don't forget the experimental show in the auditorium at 14.30 every Saturday and Sunday!

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Space Christmas on ViteMeir
11:00 a.m.11:00

Space Christmas on ViteMeir

Monday, December 30th, there will be a Christmas scavenger hunt at ViteMeir . 🎄 There will be an experimental show in the auditorium at 1 pm, and a Lego activity in the Skaparhagen. Welcome to the gingerbread village and the Christmas tree forest that is part of our exhibition on the 3rd floor. 🎄⛄🌟

ViteMeir is open 27.-30. December in Romjul from 11.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m.

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Space Christmas on ViteMeir
11:00 a.m.11:00

Space Christmas on ViteMeir

Sunday, December 29th, there will be a Christmas scavenger hunt at ViteMeir . 🎄 There will be an experimental show in the auditorium at 1 pm, and a Lego activity in the Skaparhagen. Welcome to the gingerbread village and the Christmas tree forest that is part of our exhibition on the 3rd floor. 🎄⛄🌟

ViteMeir is open 27.-30. December in Romjul from 11.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m.

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Space Christmas on ViteMeir
11:00 a.m.11:00

Space Christmas on ViteMeir

Saturday, December 28th, there will be a Christmas scavenger hunt at ViteMeir . 🎄 There will be an experimental show in the auditorium at 1 pm, and a Lego activity in the Skaparhagen. Welcome to the gingerbread village and the Christmas tree forest that is part of our exhibition on the 3rd floor. 🎄⛄🌟

ViteMeir is open 27.-30. December in Romjul from 11.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m.

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Space Christmas on ViteMeir
11:00 a.m.11:00

Space Christmas on ViteMeir

Friday, December 27th, there will be a Christmas scavenger hunt at ViteMeir . 🎄 There will be an experimental show in the auditorium at 1 pm, and a Lego activity in the Skaparhagen. Welcome to the gingerbread village and the Christmas tree forest that is part of our exhibition on the 3rd floor. 🎄⛄🌟

ViteMeir is open 27.-30. December in Romjul from 11.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m.

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