Code tables in the exhibition at vite meir

Agreement encoder

To order learning programs, ViteMeir's online ordering for schools and kindergartens must be used. The teacher/orderer must use a municipality-specific agreement code to get the agreement price. The agreement code must be entered at the end of the order.


Overview of agreements and agreement codes

Aurland municipality: AURL9822

Luster municipality: LUST9833

Lærdal municipality: LAER9844

Sogndal municipality: SOGN9855

Sunnfjord municipality: SUNN9800

Vik municipality: VIK9866

Årdal municipality: AARD9877

Vestland county council: VLFK0014

The municipalities listed above have entered into framework agreements with ViteMeir for the purchase of learning programs. If you are a teacher at a school in another municipality, you can order in the usual way without an agreement code.