Exhibitions with unique content

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Work on a master plan for the exhibitions at ViteMeir has been completed. Project manager Marianne Jevnaker at ViteMeir is pleased with the development and looks forward to the center and further development of concrete installations together with sponsors, professionals and exhibition architects.

Unique concept - ViteMeir - from 1303 muh to 2469 mh

With its location at Kaupanger, ViteMeir will be in one of the most varied regions in the world. Few places have such a short distance between different natural systems such as the sea,
coast, fjord, forest, mountains and plains. The concept "Vitemeir - from 1303 muh to 2469 moh" plays on these unique 3772 vertical meters.

- "This will be a three-storey journey through geology, biology and various ecosystems where visitors will be challenged to reflect on sustainable development at a local, national and global level," says Marianne Jevnaker. She points out that the concept forms a flexible basis for the development of communication and the further development of ViteMeir as a dynamic science center.

We want to showcase the unique resources in the region and how industry and business in Sogn og Fjordane manage them based on both "old" and new technology.

Thanks to Sparebankstiftinga Sogn og Fjordane
The Knowledge Center has a professional collaboration with Western Norway University of Applied Sciences on the content of the exhibitions. Several academic environments have been involved in the preparation of ideas.

- Based on this product, we have put in place a master plan together with exhibition architects from Sixsides. Now the starting shot for further work where the ideas will be translated into concrete installations. Already this fall, the first installations must be put into production if we are to reach the opening in 2021," says Marianne Jevnaker.

It is thanks to the gift of NOK 2 million from Sparebankstiftinga Sogn og Fjordane that we have been able to draw up this master plan and are now well on the way to achieving this. This money comes from the surplus of Sparebanken Sogn og Fjordane, which is managed by Sparebankstiftinga. "We have ambitions of 15 million in donations for content at the center. It is therefore crucial that some players take the lead, as Sparebankstiftinga has done.

Bygget på Kaupanger
Vitensenteret har sammen med den andre brukaren av bygget på Kaupanger, Sogndal vidaregåande skule, linje for transport og logistikk, delteke i ein snart avslutta samspelsfase med Vestland fylkeskommune (byggherre), Åsen & Øvrelid (entreprenør), Arkitektkontoret 4b og andre underleverandørar .

- We feel that this has been a constructive process in which we as users have been able to help shape the building with a view to future exhibitions," says Marianne Jevnaker.

The construction project will start in spring 2020, and the center is scheduled to open in summer 2021.

Gasta Design