Construction site and crane for children


Together with Byggopp, Åsen & Øvrelid is providing funds to finance and build a construction site for children at ViteMeir

The general contractor for the ViteMeir building, Åsen & Øvrelid, is proud of the construction project at Kaupanger and wants their company and profession to be seen even after the science center is open. Åsen & Øvrelid has therefore signed a partnership agreement worth NOK. 300,000 with ViteMeir.

- " ViteMeir is a signal project that we are pleased to help create a construction site that generates interest in our areas of expertise," says Finn Ove Øen, CEO of Åsen & Øvrelid AS.

The training office for building and construction technology, Byggopp, is making a donation from the recruitment fund of NOK. 500,000 to ViteMeir to finance the construction site and crane.

- "We look forward to strengthening the construction industry by participating in the financing of ViteMeir 's construction site installation. We look forward to ViteMeir being up and running from the fall," says Håkon Svoen of Byggopp Vestland.

The construction site for ViteMeir is inspired by other science centers, but has been designed locally by Byggmeister Tore Hovland according to the specific wishes of Åse Neraas. Åsen & Øvrelid has been commissioned to build the installation, which will be ready for opening on November 11.

- I look forward to seeing kids playing in the construction site with cranes, yellow vests and helmets. I don't ignore the fact that some fathers and mothers are eager to help out either," says an enthusiastic supervisor.

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