ViteMeir offers fresh flavors
This week, Vestland County Council as the developer will present the winner of the architectural competition and give the go-ahead for the groundbreaking at Kaupanger. Then project manager Marianne Jevnaker of ViteMeir can also reveal a little about what the signal building will actually contain.
- "Among other things, we will be opening a taste laboratory, a so-called 'SmaksLab'. There, people of all ages can have exciting experiences by using, testing and perhaps challenging their own senses," says project manager Marianne Jevnaker at ViteMeir.
Local producers and sellers of food and beverages are of course involved in SmaksLab, since the entire center has preparedness as a fundamental premise.
Thanks to local businesses
ViteMeir will provide both an inspiring and educational offer in science to kindergartens and schools and be an experience center for families and leisure guests. The ambition is to become a regional science center, which will be announced before the end of the year. But local businesses also have an important role to play.
- "It's thanks to driving forces from the local business community that we are now here and can look forward to opening such a great center for innovation, joint use and networking," says the project manager.
New jobs
It will also create new jobs in the region.
- "We advertised the position of head of communications back in December, and we expect to recruit several key people during the spring. Before we open in 2021, we'll be hiring more intermediaries, along with people for the finance, technical operations and marketing and communications departments," says Jevnaker. She is very excited.
- It will be a very exciting workplace! Me and my new colleagues are lucky to work with such a new and unique offer in the region, a science center that will attract young and old from both local communities and tourists," says Marianne Jevnaker.
Construction info
The building project will be realized by Åsen & Øvrelid AS in collaboration with Arkitektkontoret 4b AS, which won the design competition. An investment framework for the building of NOK 140 million was approved by the County Council of Sogn og Fjordane this spring.