Sogndal kommune bidreg med 3 millionar til innhaldsutvikling
An important contribution to the work on content development at the center
– Det er særs gledeleg at vertskommunen Sogndal viser veg og bidreg til innhaldsutviklinga ved senteret på denne måten, seier Marianne Jevnaker, prosjektleiar for ViteMeir. Ho takkar samstundes alle dei lokale politikarane som har støtta og fulgt opp søknaden om desse midlane.
Content development at the center is now in full swing. Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, headed by Stein Joar Hegland, has done thorough preparatory work on developing ideas through meetings with various academic environments and brainstorming sessions with potential user groups. You can read more about this here.
This foundation is now being built on in the work of developing specific installations in the center. At the same time, a master plan will be developed that covers the design and appearance of the premises, exhibition and associated elements.
- "We're currently in a phase where we're working on financing the content. The aim is to raise around NOK 15 million for content and installations. A number of applications to donation institutes and public actors are being processed," says Jevnaker. "To achieve our goal, we are dependent on support from both the public and private sectors. If you want to contribute to this work, just get in touch," she says.