The county council has approved the development at Kaupanger!

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Det endeleg vedtaket om utbygging av Sogndal VGS på Kaupanger, med utleigedel for ViteMeir er på plass.

- "This is an important milestone for the project. It is gratifying to see that the public sector, led by the county council, is showing the way and choosing to invest in young people and the future of the county," says Tor Arne Ness, chairman of ViteMeir.

Prosessen med utbygginga starta i 2016, då initiativtakarar frå næringslivet på Kaupanger innleia dialog med Fylkeskommunen om eit sambruk mellom Sogndal VGS og eit vitensenter. Sidan den gong har prosessen vore gjennomarbeida og god. Arkitektfirma har vore leigd inn for å utarbeide ei førebels skisse til rom- og funksjonsprogram.

- It will now be exciting to continue participating in the process, not least with a view to the interaction phase with the developer and contractor in the autumn. There are many details that need to be in place to create a dedicated area for interactive exhibitions with associated facilities.


Det er vedteke eit konsept for eit sambruk mellom Sogndal VGS og ViteMeir i eit nytt bygg som skal plasserast på området der Sogndal VGS i dag har line for transport og logistikk. Ei sentral plassering like ved Rv 5.


Such a joint initiative and building allows for more functions such as

  • Further education in more imaginative local and outdoor spaces

  • Science center for kindergartens, schools, higher education institutions and the leisure market

  • Gathering point for businesses with room for sharing expertise and innovation work

The total net space program is set at 3658 m2, where the rental part of the science center accounts for about 2000 m2.

Host an exciting melting pot

Construction is scheduled to start in January/February 2020, with the opening of ViteMeir during the 2020/2021 school year.

- "This will be an exciting melting pot where several players are gathered," says Marianne Jevnaker, project manager for ViteMeir. "We want to create a new arena and meeting place that brings together education, engaging learning and business in the region," she adds:

- I'm looking forward to the construction process getting underway. There are many important pieces that need to be put in place to create a good framework for interactive communication for different user groups. Together with the developer and contractor, I believe we will find good solutions for this.

Gasta Design