Åse was applauded by the Chairmanship!
Applause at political meetings is not usually customary, but Åse Neraas got just that after her powerful post on the development of content at ViteMeir today!
Chairman Tor Arne Ness gave the Board a status update and briefed them on the progress plan in a short introduction before Communications Manager Åse Neraas took the stage to talk about the exciting content development in ViteMeir.
The chairmanship was able to join the journey from 1303 muh to 2469 mh, from the first to the third floor of the center. They were also given a review of the sketches of several of our most important installations, which reflect our shared natural resources in Sogn og Fjordane.
- I'm learning so much by doing this, and it's great fun," Neraas was proud to say.
Neraas conveyed the importance of school pupils learning from being at ViteMeir and, among other things, working with mathematics and understanding in a completely new way. - "Students should want to be in our Sophus Lie room and play with numbers," said Neraas.
After Neraas's speech, she received full-throated applause from the members of the Chairmanship.
- There's a lot of exciting things happening around ViteMeir, concluded Tor Arne Ness.
ViteMeir-The team is looking forward to creating applause in their own building next fall.
Møtet vart strauma på Sogndal Kommune sine nettsider og du kan sjå sendinga her. Innlegga frå ViteMeir kjem heilt i starten etter at ordførar Arnstein Menes innleiar dagen.