Opening weekend and research days 16-17 September

This year's theme at the research days is energy and on the 1st floor at ViteMeir Big changes are happening. Welcome to the opening weekend and research days on September 16th and 17th!

We are kicking off the celebration of this year's research days on the occasion of the exciting changes on the 1st floor. There will be a premiere of the brand new science show "Spiny Energy" with ViteVero, we can promise that there will be exciting experiments in the lab and of course a visit from our own Sophus. You don't want to miss this!

As if all that wasn't enough, there are other things on the program. There are major changes happening throughout the 1st floor during the day and all of this will be unveiled this weekend! There will be stands from all those who have made the changes possible.

Take the weekend off, bring your family and friends, you are welcome!

Heidi Breili Bøthun