Memorial word for Marianne Jevnaker
Marianne Jevnaker joined the regional science center project as a breath of fresh air in the autumn of 2018. "We had developed the idea of such a center to a level where we needed an engine and driving force that could take this a step further. This driving force was Marianne. With her enthusiasm and infectious mood, she came in and created a good atmosphere and great momentum.
Marianne var med å utvikle profilen, namnet og idégrunnlaget for det som skal bli innhaldet i ViteMeir-senteret som no blir bygd på Kaupanger. Ho var lyttande og inkluderande overfor alle dei ho jobba saman og kom i kontakt med, men hadde også klåre meiningar. Marianne tok fatt i oppgåvene og reiste rundt i regionen og skapte entusiasme blant sponsorar, skulefolk og blant elevar. Ho var ein god kollega og ein varm person som også laga triveleg stemning i møte, og ikkje minst på høgskulecampus i Sogndal der ho hadde kontor.
Marianne has seen a clear and dignified footprint in it ViteMeir , without her we would not be where we are today. The news that Marianne has passed away was hard to receive, and we can only imagine how hard it must be for her family and loved ones. We pray for her memory and realize a great cause.
A memorial page has been created for Marianne on Sogn Gravferdshjelp's website.