Brief status Vitensenteret i Sogn og Fjordane


The Science Center in Sogn og Fjordane aims to inspire and create a breeding ground for learning and development for the entire region.

We would like to thank everyone who contributed to the project, from businesses, schools and enthusiasts who see what this center means for society. An incentive to learn more about science, technology and natural sciences.

A land of learning where both young people and adults can meet across generations, and a land of learning that will be a catalyst for schools to help students take part in the opportunities and challenges of the future! Marianne Jevnaker has been appointed project manager, and Sparebankstiftinga Sogn og Fjordane awarded NOK 2 million for interactive content for the center last autumn. Hydro Årdal/Høyanger has stepped in as a strategic partner, and local businesses are very supportive of the project.

Våren 2019 kjem konkurransegrunnlaget for bygget, og målet er at senteret skal stå ferdig til skulestart 2020. Fylkeskommunen er byggherre for bygget som skal romme både Vitensenter, Sogndal VGS og ein innovasjonslab for næringslivet. Vil du vite meir eller bidra til realisering?

Feel free to contact us. Many pieces need to fall into place, 2019 will be exciting!

Gasta Design